“Lynch Legal Pty Ltd ACN 670 979 718 is a service company and not an Incorporated Legal Practice.
Ricky Lynch is a 'Consulting Solicitor' who performs all ‘legal work’ under GTC LEGAL PTY LTD ACN 655 561 514 t/as Taylor Rose Australia.”
Ricky Lynch is a 'Consulting Solicitor' who performs all ‘legal work’ under GTC LEGAL PTY LTD ACN 655 561 514 t/as Taylor Rose Australia.”
Phone: 1800 491 469
7AM to 9pm - 7 days
(Ring and leave a message with the operator for lynch legal to call you back - to discuss your matter directly)
7AM to 9pm - 7 days
(Ring and leave a message with the operator for lynch legal to call you back - to discuss your matter directly)